11 best web development blogs you should be reading right now

1. Six Revisions
I wouldn’t call Six Revisions a classical web development blog anymore, rather than a major news site for developers. Six Revisions publishes practical and useful articles for web developers and designers as well. Articles are published on a regular basis every 2-5 days.
six revisions - web development blog

2. Specky Boy

The Specky Boy blog calls itself a design magazine. Paul Andrew – the publisher of Specky Bloy – not only focuses on design resources but also provides useful insights on the latest web technologies. Especially for front-end developers, the blog is definitely a great source for staying up-to-date.
speckyboy web development blog for developers

3. WebResourcesDepot

WebResourcesDepot is a great web development blog offering new posts every day. Developers will definitely find some great content here. It’s definitely a blog to follow.
webresources depot web development blog for developers

4.Smashing Magazine

Smashing Magazine is another well-known news site, which cannot be overlooked. With new articles every other day it offers you great resources about HTML, CSS, JavaScript-related topics.
smashing magazine web development blog for developers

5.David Walsh

If you get yourself comfortable in the field of software development, you’ll definitely stumble upon the blog of David Walsh. You’ll find great articles about CSS, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL and much more. Make sure to check out his web development blog.
david walsh blog web development blog for developers

6. OnextraPixel

I guess OXP is more a web design blog rather than a web development blog. Nevertheless, it provides some really useful articles in the field of development too. Whether it’s an article about some useful HTML5 tips or a new jQuery library. You’ll definitely get some inspiring content.
one extra pixel blog web development blog for developers

7. Stoyan’s phpied.com

A great blog worth mentioning is the personal blog from Stoyan Stefanov, who’s a Facebook engineer and the author of some really great books! It’s one of the best places to discover new articles, tools & frameworks.
stoyans blog web development blog for developers

8. Coding Horror

Coding Horror is a great blog resource from Jeff Atwood. It offers great insights on the development of software engineering. You’ll get loads of great tips and resources from Jeff sharing his experiences.
coding horror blog web development blog for developers

9. Alex Sexton

The personal blog of Alex Sexton covers a broad variety of JavaScript related topics in a very plain and easy-to-understand way. You may also discover some new tools and trends on his blog which are waiting to be explored.
alex sexton web development blog for developers

10. Paul Irish

As a developer, Paul is well-known for creating tools that improve workflows and make life easier for other developers. He’s currently working on Google Chrome DevTools at Google. You can gather useful insights on his personal blog where he regularly publishes web dev related articles.
paul irish blog web development blog for developers

11. Scotch.io

Scotch.io is an aspiring site publishing articles, tutorials, videos about AngularJS, node, JavaScript, Bootstrap and a lot more. It’s definitely a place to go when looking for some new inspiration or development resources.
scotch.io web development blog for developers

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